
Digital twins in action
As an example, the results of using a digital twin are shown when calculating the portrait of changes in the health resource (Figure 1), aging rate (Figure 2) and workability (Figure 3) from life time for various predicted lifestyles (total lifestyle index Rs) of the US male population.
A detailed study of the demographic characteristics of the United States will be published in the near future.

The company carries out orders for the use of digital twins for the population, branded and individual assessments of biological age and other heart rate indicators. We are sending interested companies a more detailed roadmap related to these works.
Dependence of the health resource of populations of men in the USA on the lifetime T for different values of the total lifestyle index Rs
Figure 1. Dependence of the health resource of population of men in the USA on the lifetimeT for different values of the total lifestyle index Rs

The dotted line shows the current curve of health resource. Tp - the life expectancy of a population, Tpm - the marginal life expectancy, Tpa – the active longevity chord. Tpam - the marginal active longevity chord. Tpam= 95 years old, Tpm=132 years old, Tp=78 years old, Tpa=74 years old. The values of the total lifestyle index Rs vary from 30 to 340.

Aging rates for the US male population
Figure 2. Aging rates for the US male population

The dotted lines indicate the current aging rate curves. The values of the total lifestyle index Rs vary from30 to 340.
Portraits of dependence of the workability of the population for women and men in the USA
Figure 3. Portraits of dependence of the workability of the population for women and men in the USA

The values of the total lifestyle index Rs vary from 30 to 340. The dotted line shows the current health resource curve.

The practical application of the digital twin for individuals and companies can be found on our website: (Happy Golfer) (Happy Citizen).
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